Badger in Dimetapp Elixer

Badger in Dimetapp Elixer

Fox in Tylenol Sore Throat

Fox in Tylenol Sore Throat

Doe in DayQuil

Doe in DayQuil

Dog in Robitussin

Dog in Robitussin

Gorilla in Imodium AD

Gorilla in Imodium AD

Kitten in Pepto Bismol

Kitten in Pepto Bismol

Pig in NyQuil

Pig in NyQuil

Seal in Milk of Magnesia (Cherry Flavored)

Seal in Milk of Magnesia (Cherry Flavored)

Skunk in Whisky & Honey

Skunk in Whisky & Honey


On our best intentions.

I kept finding these funny little porcelain animals at thrift shops. They were hidden among the shelves, staring at me like strays at the pound. I found myself strangely sympathetic to them. How sad to be cherished then discarded.

So I bought them whenever I found them. I took them in.

I had a misguided idea about photographing them shattered and laid out like bear skin rugs, in a state of preservation. This resulted in me hitting one with a hammer, which I regretted immediately. Oh, the things we do for art.

Eventually I came to my senses and glued the poor thing back together, but of course the damage was done. And so came a fun little project about mistakes, regret, and futile attempts at resolve.